How It Works

Find a Cause

Discover charities and causes that resonate with your values on our platform.

Clean up the beach
GreenWorld GreenWorld

Clean up the beach

$600.0 remaining until next goal

Choose How to Give

Pledges apply to specific goals, meaning you aren't charged until the sum of pledges meets the goal.

Donations unconditionally transfer funds to your cause.

No money is removed from your escrow account until the goal is met.


Pledge to the goal that's right for you.

When the sum of pledges crosses the threshold, your funds will be transferred automatically.

Until then, your money stays in your account, and you can cancel your pledge anytime.


Instantly transfer funds from your balance to the cause.

Donations directly contribute to the goal, with no dependency on other donors.

Ready to make an impact?

Start your journey with CrowdLink today and see how your contributions can change the world.

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